I Film
Serie animata
Serie TNG
Serie DS9
Serie Voyager
Serie Enterprise
Session 1: Asteroid blues
Session 2: Stray dog strut
Session 3: Honky tonk women
Session 4: Gateway shuffle
Session 5: Ballad of fallen angels
Session 6: Sympathy for the devil
Session 7: Heavy Metal Queen
Session 8: Waltz for venus
Session 9: Jamming with Edward
Session 10: Ganymede elegy
Session 11: Toys in the attic
Session 12: Jupiter jazz (I parte)
Session 13: Jupiter jazz (II parte)
Session 14: Bohemian rhapsody
Session 15: My funny Valentine
Session 16: Black dog serenade
Session 17: Mushroom samba
Session 18: Speak like a child
Session 19: Wild horses
Session 20: Pierrot le fou
Session 21: Boogie woogie feng shui
Session 22: Cowboy funk
Session 23: Brain scratch
Session 24: Hard luck women
Session 25: The real folk blues (I parte)
Session 26: The real folk blues (II parte)