I Film
Serie animata
Serie TNG
Serie DS9
Serie Voyager
Serie Enterprise
Dick Dastardly e Muttley “Lo squadrone avvoltoi".
1.Stop That Pigeon*
2.Follow That Feather*
3.Operation Anvil*
4.Fur Out Furlough*
5.Sky Hi-IQ*
6.Sappy Birthday*
7.A Plain Shortage Of Planes*
9.Shape Up Or Ship Out*
10.Zilly's A Dilly*
11.The Cuckoo Patrol*
12.The Swiss Yelps*
13.Pest Pilots*
15.Fly By Knights*
16.There's No Fool Like a Re-Fuel*
17.Lens A Hand
18.Movies Are Badder Than Ever
19.Home Sweet Homing Pigeon
20.Vacation Trip Trap*
21.Stop Which Pigeon?
22.Ceiling Zero-Zero
23.Who's Who*
24.Operation Birdbrain*
25.Medal Muddle
26.Go South Young Pigeon
27.Too Many Kooks
28.Ice See You
29.Balmy Swami
30.Camouflage Hop-Aroo
31.Have Plane Will Travel
32.Windy Windmill*
33.Plane Talk*
34.Happy Bird Day
35.What New Old Bean